Sunday, August 9, 2015

gishwhes 2015

#70. IMAGE. Design a good app for the Amish. Submit an image that displays the link to the app.

This blog was developed as a sumission to gishwhes 2015

I couldn’t afford to host an app (I couldn’t find a free source). 

So, I decided that since blogs now come with mobile apps included… writing a fashion blog [The Amish Fashionists] for the Amish would be “good” as well as kind to Amish people. 

I think that a lot of people believe the Amish to be weird… so, instead of turning the Amish into a joke or a costume… I decided to write from the perspective of a modern young Amish woman who takes joy in her lifestyle and clothing choices while also standing up for herself and choices in a world that doesn’t understand/accept her. 

I researched Amish lifestyle and fashion, trying to be as educational and factual as possible (forgive me if I got anything wrong).

Truth is... I would read an Amish fashion blog! 
I would love to know more about Amish fashion and Amish lifestyle on a real level (not just a glorified Hollywood fake weird 'reality tv' level).  The little bit of factual information I gleaned from researching Amish lifestyle was interesting and inspiring. 

I spend so much of my life tethered to technology, modern fashion and the secular world (and I love my lifestyle).  I think it would be really wonderful to know more about a culture that is so misunderstood.

Vivi Ennui

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

FAQ: Where do you get your...?

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions I get:

Q:  If you're Amish, how are you using a computer?

A:  There is a computer at the library in town.  It isn't like we are allergic to technology!  We just don't live with technology.  I spent my Rumspringa going to college for veterinary medicine.  I decided to return to my family and bring my new skills to help my community.  We are modern people!  We just don't live the way that you do. 

Q:  Do you make your own underwear and socks?

A:  We actually shop for basics, the same way that you do!  We buy socks and underwear and stockings at stores.  We make our own dresses.  There are also Dutch crafters that make wonderful modest clothing. 

Q:  Do you have sex?

A:  This is a strange question.  Have you ever seen Amish children?  Where do you think they come from?  We aren't nuns.  We just don't flaunt our bodies for everyone to see.

Fall 2015: Blue and Teal!

Momma and I got about 30 yards of cotton when we were in town last week.  A whole range of beautiful shades of blue and teal. 

A lot of people in town ask us "Where do you shop for your clothing?"
We make our own.  It's the only way you know that you will get a proper fit that is modest and comfortable. 

I plan to share my fabric with my friends.  We're going to make Blues and Teals the "it" colors for this Fall.  Everyone will want to wear what we are wearing! 

Faking Amish: An American Fashion Obsession

TV, Magazines, Runways... appropriating Amish dress and style is all the rage!

What a lot of these images miss, though, is the point of Amish clothing. 
Amish women wear clothing to conceal the female figure... not flaunt it.  You would not see the outline of breasts or hips.  You would not see flesh of the waist or thigh.
Women in Amish communities do not wear men's clothing, lace or show legs!

This is what Amish clothing looks like when it is fetishized by the fashion industry. 

Paint it Black: Amish Mourning Clothing

A lot of people think that Amish women wear black all the time.  That isn't true at all!  We usually only wear all black after the passing of a loved one.  Every Amish community is different in how long they expect mourning to take place.